Living at Harrowdene Gardens

All residents can enjoy the shared facilities in our community when we follow this guidance!

Need more details? See a more detailed estate guide.

Fire safety

There was an incident recently where the fire brigade were called to attend a small fire in a flat. Read more about some additional support and information here.

Gas safety

Read more about the latest Health and Safety Executive's new regulations for Gas Safety Flues, on the Maintenance page.


Garages on the estate have been broken into before. We advise that you do not to store items of value in your garage. If you have to, try to ensure that they are secured against easy removal. 

For further help or advice please contact the local police Safer Neighbourhood Team. See more details on the Safety and Local Services page.

Recycling and garbage

All domestic rubbish must be in closed plastic sacks or bags. Bulky items or unbagged rubbish will not be collected.

Collections are early morning on FRIDAY each week for both waste and recycling matter. (Check LBRT information for Bank Holiday variations).

If you have bulky items of waste or furniture to dispose of you can either dispose of this at the local civic amenity site at Townmead Road, Richmond (off Mortlake Rd, Kew). TW9 4EL (telephone 020 8876 3281 for more details, or arrange for the Council to dispose for a small charge.

The Council provide special waste collection services for bulky household waste, including fridges and freezers. You can download their Special Collection Form here.

For more information on the new service or to order additional recycling containers please visit the Richmond website, or tel: 08456 122 660


Recycling is collected on Friday morning.

Blue crate = paper

Black crate = plastic and cans

One person in one-bed blocks should put out the crates on the front (covered) step every Friday morning before 7:30am.

Please try to avoid putting out recycling material earlier in the week. 

Need extra recycling? There are 123 recycling sites across the borough where residents can recycle a range of materials from cardboard and paper to glass bottles, plastic bottles and cans. Download a map of the sites - Recycling Sites Map (2.5Mb).


Please consider others when parking. 

Do not block access routes or the pedestrian ramps into the courtyards. 

Please do not park in the garage yard unless you have made an explicit arrangement with a neighbour to park there. Parking in the garage year can casue obstruction and inconvenience to other garage users.

Good Neighbour Guide

BARBECUES They are regarded as a fire risk and the smoke and fumes produced are an annoyance to other lessees. They are not permitted anywhere on the estate grounds 

WASHING Washing must not be hung out in any part of the grounds, this includes clothes airers etc. on patio areas at any time. 

GARDEN FURNITURE Garden furniture must be stored away after use and not left overnight or permanently in the gardens 

GARAGES Owners are in breach of their lease if they let their property without the garage or let it be used for any business purpose. 

SMOKING Please be considerate if you smoke outside anywhere on the estate and not smoke near doors and windows which could affect other people. 

GARDENS Ball games, or other games which cause annoyance to others, are not permitted in any part of the grounds. The gardens are a great asset for all who live in Harrowdene Gardens but please be considerate when using the grounds to not annoy others. Please be considerate particularly at weekends with children playing or others using the gardens before 9.00am. If you pave or alter any part of the grounds, you are in breach of the lease. 

PARKING Car parking on the estate is limited and directors particularly ask that you park your car (or motor bike) in your garage whenever possible. Except in an emergency, no vehicles may be driven or brought across the courtyard area. Please always park considerately so as not to obstruct other drivers or pedestrians, particularly in and at the entrances to the garage areas and emergency ramps at the entrance to courtyards. Please note that the access road is a public thoroughfare, maintained and controlled by the local council. As such normal parking restrictions apply. This includes parking with wheels on a public footpath and parking on hatched areas. Parking in this way may incur a parking fine from the council. 

DOGS It is not acceptable to exercise dogs in the gardens and allow them to foul the grass or beds. Many residents use these gardens during fine weather and dog fouling can completely spoil this pleasure. In case of 'accidents', it’s every owner’s duty to clear up after his or her animal. 

RUBBISH Don't spoil the ambience of the estate by leaving rubbish or recycling boxes outside. Anything too large for the bin should be disposed of independently by taking it to one of the local council tips details of which can easily be found on the council website. 

BICYCLES AND CHILD BUGGIES Should be kept in garages and not be stored at any time in stairwells or the grounds